Mummy Dogs

Today is Halloween!!!  I figured I’d post one last Halloween recipe before the festivities of the day begin.  These cute little mummies have been all over the internet lately.  I actually had them on my list of things to make for Halloween way before they started popping up all over the place.  I found the recipe in one of the many collectible Halloween magazines that I have acquired over the years, so I figured I’d make them this year.
My children are definitely not hot dog lovers.  They absolutely will not eat hot dogs, no matter how they are fixed.  They can be grilled, boiled, or baked and they will still refuse to eat them.  Unless they are “hidden” in something like biscuit dough or mac and cheese, they won’t touch em’.
This recipe is an exception to the rule though.  Since they were wrapped in bread stick dough that resembled bandages, my children ate them up quick!  It was a hit with them 😉  And that made mommy very happy 😉
Once you see how easy these are to make, you’ll be adding them onto your list of Halloween goodies to cook and bake 😉
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees or to whatever the temperature on the biscuit dough can suggests.
We start out with just three simple ingredients…………
hot dogs, mustard, and bread sticks (or croissant dough)…….
Open up those whop em’ bread sticks and cut them into little strips like so…….
Open up the hot dog package, take one hot dog and wrap one piece of dough around the dog.  You may need to use two strips to cover the whole dog.
Place the rolled hot dog on an ungreased baking sheet.  Repeat this process with all the other hot dogs.
Place the hot dogs in the oven for 10-13 minutes, or for however long the biscuit container says to cook em.
Let them cool.  Once cooled, place little dots of mustard at the top of the dog for the mummy’s eyes.
I had to take a picture of my lovely’s eating these due to the fact that they never eat hot dogs…..


From our family to yours, have a Happy Halloween and be safe out there tonight!!!

Mummy Dogs

(makes 8 mummys)


1 package hot dogs
1 can refrigerated bread sticks or croissant rolls
1 bottle of mustard
Preheat oven to 375 degrees or to whatever temperature the can of refrigerated bread sticks specifies.
Take each bread stick and cut them into thin strips to resemble bandages.
Wrap each individual hot dog in the strips and place on an ungreased baking sheet.
Bake for 10-13 minutes or however long the can of bread sticks specifies.
Let them cool down.  When cooled, place little dots of mustard on the top of the hot dogs to resemble their eyes.



  1. Amy @ Keep'n The SunnySide says:

    Those are so cute.. and I KNOW how yummy there are. ;O)

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