How to Make Pumpkin Puree’ in Your Slow Cooker

This quick and easy way of making homemade pumpkin puree’ has you skipping the oven method and using your slow cooker. It saves plenty of time and hassle. 

Fall will be over soon and old man winter will be taking it’s place. All things pumpkin will be replaced by all things Christmas and winter. We had a few of them to use up so I figured I would post this tutorial on how to make pumpkin puree’ in the slow cooker. Thanksgiving is also coming up next week so this will be the perfect opportunity to use your puree’ in recipes such as this Classic Pumpkin Pie.

I’m such an oldie when it comes to certain recipes. For years I had been stuck on using the ‘oven method’ in making our puree’. I came across this slow cooker method on Pinterest and am wondering why I hadn’t thought about making it this way? Once you see how easy and simple this method is, you will start making pumpkin puree’ every fall!

Step One: Start with 2 pie pumpkins, each of them 2 to 3 pounds. Scrub and wash them, making sure that dirt and other particles are completely off.  Note: Pie pumpkins or sugar pumpkins are best for baking. You can usually find them in the grocery stores next to the larger pumpkins. They are normally labeled “pie” or “sugar” pumpkins and are the smaller ones. 

Step Two: With a sharp knife and a steady hand, cut off the stems.

Step Three: With the same knife, cut the pumpkin in half and scrape out the lose seeds and stringy filling. Note: It can be a little difficult to remove the stringy filling. If some of it remains inside, it’s ok. Just make sure that most of it is out. 

Step Four: Cut the pumpkin halves in half again. Place the pieces skin side up inside the slow cooker. Cook on high for 3 to 4 hours. You don’t need to add any water or liquid. As the pumpkin pieces cook, they will produce their own liquids.

Step Five: Once the pieces are finished cooking, take them out carefully and place them on a plate. Have them cool for around 30 minutes. Once cool, take each piece and scrape the inside, placing the filling inside a medium bowl.

Step Six: With an immersion blender or regular blender, mix the filling until it reaches a puree’d and smooth consistency (it should only take about 1 to 2 minutes). Place the puree’d filling inside a labeled quart sized gallon bag. I make sure to put 2 cups into each bag.

The puree’ will last a week in the refrigerator or up to 3 months in the freezer.

Easy peasy pumpkin squeezy! Each pumpkin should give you about 1 to 2 cups of puree’.

Here are some recipes you can use it in (2 cups of puree’ will equal one 15 oz. can of pumpkin):

Classic Pumpkin Pie

Easy and Spiced Up Pumpkin Chai Latte’s

Pumpkin Spice Cake: A One Bowl Recipe

Creamy Pumpkin and Orange Rolls

Pumpkin Pecan Crunch Bars

Adapted from the blog, Bless This Mess.


  1. OH.MY.GOODNESS! Perfect timing! I just bought 5 pie pumpkins…wondering when I was going to find time to bake them. This will work so much better. Thanks a million for sharing. Someone told me we have a ‘shortage’ now because the farmers got the plants in late, but hopefully stores will be stocked before Christmas! I SO appreciate this post! <3

    1. You are very welcome Marsha! I am glad it could help you 😉

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